Tag Archive for: Air filtration systems

Dust Collector FAQs: Can the chimney sweep continue to clean the flue as normal?

Even with a dust collector, the chimney can still be cleaned normally and regularly without much effort.The chimney sweep can either clean from the bottom or, if there is a cleaning opening, from the top.In most cases, this opening can also be retrofitted with an adapter, for example for dust extractors on the roof. To […]

Dust Collector FAQs: Does an electrostatic filter need to be cleaned?

Some electrostatic dust extractors have an automatic cleaning function. A shaking mechanism ensures that the trapped particles fall back down the chimney as ash. However, all electrostatic dust extractors need to be cleaned manually on a regular basis. It is usually sufficient to open the collector and quickly clean the electrode and other components, for […]

Dust Collector FAQs: Can the oven be operated with the separator switched off, e.g. in the event of a power failure?

No, but there can be positive effects. For example, if the separator has a chimney fan, the draught is optimised and the stove burns more efficiently. You need less wood to produce the same amount of heat.

Dust Collector FAQs: Can the oven be operated with the separator switched off, e.g. in the event of a power failure?

No, but there can be positive effects. For example, if the separator has a chimney fan, the draught is optimised and the stove burns more efficiently. You need less wood to produce the same amount of heat.

Dust Collector FAQs: How much electricity does the electrostatic filter use and is the high voltage in the filter dangerous?

The annual power consumption depends heavily on how the woodburning stove is used. On average, the dust collector uses about 30 watts per hour in operation and about two watts per hour in standby mode. This is about the same as a modern flat screen TV. The vacuum cleaner operates at high voltage, usually between […]

Dust extractor FAQs: Can I hear the vacuum cleaner when it is working?

In principle, the separation of particles is silent, but there are operational noises. If the vacuum cleaner has an automatic cleaning system, you can usually hear the cleaning process. Some units ‘shake’ for a few seconds every few hours during operation as standard. The closer you are to the separator, the clearer you will hear […]

Dust extractor FAQs: Do I need a power supply?

Yes, the Electrostatic Dust Collector requires electricity to operate. However, a simple 230 volt household socket, which is often already available in the loft, is sufficient. Otherwise, a specialist electrician can usually install a suitable socket or cable quickly and easily. Be sure to discuss this in advance with the company installing the extractor.

Dust Collector FAQs: Who installs an electrostatic precipitator?

Electrostatic precipitators are usually installed by companies specialising in chimney construction. A list of companies is provided by the German Chimney Contractors’ Association (Fachverband Schornsteintechnik e.V.). Some stove builders also offer installation services; specialised companies can be found among the members of the Gesamtverband Ofenbau e.V. (GVOB). Your chimney sweep may also be the person […]